Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Volunteers- The Last From Peru

I couldn't complete my time away without doing justice to those were there with me. Those who smiled, laughed, cried, and worked by my side, and me by theirs. They made my time there just that little bit more incredible. 

Melanie- Middle. Someone who made me laugh more than most other people i have ever met, combined. She brought out the best in me, through her genuine interest in who i am, and who i am becoming. Thank you Melanie for challenging me, encouraging me, and letting me be me. You are amazing. 

My friend from NZ. She and i worked in both orphanages side by side until she left. She had a hard stay, but fought through her time there. Now works for Oxfam and saves the world one step at a time. She is great, and i have fond memories of her. 

Jessica (Yess) - Cutting my throat!!. From the states, and the oldest member of the team, but still the most loving. The most generous. The most kind. When someone ached or was sick, her concern was genuine. She really was there to serve selflessly, and did so. I gained so much insight about life from her. Greatly admired. 

Ameena- The gorgeous one in this photo. Ameena is real. She has a big smile, and an even bigger heart. 
We got on so well because she was so accepting and loving. I cant wait to visit this one in Canada because i know we will be friends for life. With some people, you just know. And with her, i know that i know that i know. We were roomies in La Merced, and i miss her like candy. 

Beth! A nurse from southern US. She was lovely. Reminded me a lot of my mum, and became very dear to me. Only had a short stay, but was long enough to remind me that good people do exist. 

Where do i start with Samantha. She became my closest friend in Peru. She helped me, taught me, loved me, stood by me, and was simply with me for most of what happened there. Without her, im not so sure i could have done as much as i did. My right hand man, though in a feminine way. A gorgeous personality, with smile to match. Spent a week traveling with her around north Peru, dont think there are too many other people who i would have rathered there with me. I miss her. 

Megan and Jana- Left (2). Came together, lived together and worked together,  and left together. Though i didnt get to learn about these two in large amounts, i did learn enough to know they are people i cherish greatly. Their fun attitudes, lifestyle and view on life meant we always had enjoyable dinner times together. 

Kathy - Right. From southern US, had a lovely impact on me. A smile to lighten a room, and a personality to match. I always enjoyed my time her her, whether it be one on one, or amongst friends. She seems to have found the secret to happiness, and i know whenever i spent time with her, i was always feeling that little bit brighter. 

Claire. Dear Claire. From Canada, and set to marry sometime in the next year or two, to a very lucky man. Everyone that met her, loved her. Everyone that didnt, missed out. I was fortunate to share a long stay with her, and i always enjoyed getting home from work and seeing her sitting at the table diligently working on her Spanish homework. She was and is, an amazing woman. 

My Nany. Its hard leaving it till here to talk about this girl. She left with a part of my heart. She left with cherished memories unlike others. I miss the other volunteers like crazy, but i ache for this girl. This one, does not need a paragraph to describe, though she gets one anyway, for anyone that sees her knows how special she really is. 

Heather and Lowrie. The girls from the UK. Some people always make you laugh, or leave you feeling like you should, regardless what they say. 2 girls that have a brilliant attitude toward life, and are always keen for a pint or two. 

So thats them, or a pick of them anyways. If you know them, you are blessed, as i know i am. Thats the selection of people i grew closest too, and want to see again, someday. Until then...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Peru Tienen Mi Corazon.

I still sit, though now in Buenos Aires- Argentina. The last week of travel has been a blur, and now i join you again in this internet cafe sure that the owners are charging me an arm and a leg to get this blog away. 

Heading north with Samantha proved a real treat. We make a super team, and got along like two proverbial peas in a pod. Im not sure how we are still friends though, after every morning i made sure she woke up to me poking her eyes, or playing the theme song of the trip loudly on her speakers. We went far north straight away, a 19 hour bus trip overnight and arrived middayish into the sweltering heat. I dont actually think it was that hot, but after being in lima and HYO for the entirety of my stay i sure wasnt prepared for that weather. It was gorgeous. The city of Tumbes itself (pronounced Tum-beys) was nice enough, though seemed out of touch with most of the world, and how to treat foreigners. Since being in Peru i have been treated in all shapes and manners, though without destroying the image that Tumbes is trying to create of itself, lets just say we left the following morning on the first bus out of there. 

Next, Mancora. Apparently world famous amongst serious surfers as one of the best spots along the south american coast, sadly...not much happening whilst we were there. Dont get me wrong, still gorgeous and pristine. Still nice enough for a swim, and to consider kite surfing, though certainly did not live up to the pumping swells it boasts of. We hired a motorbike and rode to a neighboring town. Oh yeah, and no helmets. Coming from riding in NZ and Australia where it is compulsory, it was a weird feeling, and extremely enjoyable. Enjoyable until coming from the opposite direction following a large truck were a series of small rocks it was picking up from the loose gravel highway. Coming at just the right height to hit me right in the eye. I would give you the speed we were traveling at, but the speedo was broken on the bike, as was the fuel, heat, and taco gauge.

The following cities were just that, cities. Not peruvian in the sense i understood it, though gave out more of a first world feeling. Bright city lights, massive advertisement boards, real shops as opposed to little markets and the like. Enjoyable cities, though reminded me too much of home whilst im still not quite home. We went sand boarding just outside of Trujillo (True-he-yo) which was just too much fun. I was honestly scared for my life, and it wasnt until Sam manned up and went down first that i followed her down. I sure look forward to that again. 

What else? Well, our final stop was in a region of the Andes called Huaraz (Wahrahz). Being in the highlands, i expected a similar cold to that of HYO, though was greeted by a fresh spring air, and a warmth on my back. We spent a day trekking around the neighboring towns, and though it was great, took the following day off to recover and make some of our own fun for the day. My flight out of Lima was saturday night, midnight. After being told the bus was only 7 hours long to get to Lima, we booked it for Saturday morning, 9am. The bus arrived to pick us up at 10:30, needless to say i was panicking a little by now. The driver though, made it his personal mission to get us there on time, and so raced down the mountain at a frightening pace. Im sure i heard the tail slide around a few corners. Made it back in time, got the bag repacked, fare-welled Sam, and now am in BA.

Decided to have some fun whilst being here, as im here for 25 hours. Tried to catch a bus into the city centre, but got sick of waiting, so just got the next one that came along. It took me to the middle of no where. So i tried to get another one. The driver asked where i was going, i said, "wherever you are". He asked again, so i replied, "I dont care, take me anywhere". He slammed on the breaks and told me to get off. I thought it was hilarious. So i caught another one, and that literally took me no where. Down to the end of a dirt road where there were all of 10 houses. Some kids were playing football so i joined in. Either my spanish is not as good as i thought it was, or they speak another language down here, cos i have no idea what is going on. 

Although the tripping has been fun over the last week, and i am on another journey right now, i cant wait to get back to Aussie to see everyone, and then NZ to see everyone there. Also cant wait to get all suited up for my brothers wedding in a bit, should be choice. 

Anywho, i am sleeping outside tonight. Check in is at 5am, so i didnt wanna book into a hostel and then not even make use of, wish me luck. Im sure i will make some new friends. Pray this finds you well. 

Joven Felipe. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Somewhere In Between

I sit. I wait. I wonder. I remember. I ache.

I left Huancayo last night. I had my final day at Aldea on friday, though could not stay away. I went back on Sunday just to see the kids one more time. The faces. The tears. The memories. The images of Sandy and Elizabeth holding one arm each refusing to let go. Repeating, "Please. Please don't go". The last photos with the house i have become attached to. The song they sung for me. The gatekeeper who after explaining to the children everything would be ok broke into tears. Although last night was special, it was hard. I could not stop thinking that i get to go home and see my family, but they don't. That i will soon be settling back into life as it is comfortable, though these kids know nothing other than the life they now live. And suddenly i felt horrible for leaving. Regardless of what i am leaving them with, is it enough? All i know is that reality has not hit. I hope it never does.
The football tournament on Saturday went off greatly. Was so much fun marching in the parade, with some of the kids watching and supporting us. We as a team came second in that area, and won a case of beer, which was almost consumed before our first game- which we won 5-2. The funny thing was that a friend of mine (an older white fella Paul) said to our team before kick off, ´2 beers for each goal´. After i scored my third i looked over to him and grinned a little. He winced back a lot... after all these are big beers. We won our following game, and the one after it before i realised we had made the final, and in fact had been competing in a knock out tournament throughout the day. We played a team incredible in the final, who i had been admiring all day. Even though we didnt quite get the desired result in that game, we were jumped on and congratulated by our supporters post game, who we stayed around drinking with for a couple of hours after. Was a nice way to remember my last full day in HYO.
Now i sit in Lima. I leave on thursday morning to hit up the coast. Wednesday night i am going to see Peru vs Argentina in a world cup qualifying game. Wetting my lips already. Cant hardly wait.
I touch down in Aussie soon. This inbetween stage is tough though. I have said goodbye to all my friends in HYO, and am still yet to say hello to those back home. What of now? I guess time will tell...